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Mental health professionals are available to treat all ages.
Advanced Restorative Services

We are dedicated to delivering affordable individual psychology services and group therapy to couples, children and individuals. We are a unique practice because we offer both individual services and group therapy. Through the use of group therapy…

Offering a broad range of psychology services

Psycho-educational assessments Court assessments Psychological cognitive behavioural therapy and rehabilitation treatments for: Anger Anxiety Behavioural disorders Depression Eating disorders Insomnia Obsessive compulsive disorder Pain Panic…

Mental Health Management and Focused Psychological Services

Dr Naomi Rutten BSc (biomedical) Hons, BMBS, FRACGP, FPS Provider Providing specialised General Practice Management of individuals with Mental Health and/or Behavioural Conditions Providing Management of: Mental Health Plans Mental Health…

Online and face to face counselling services available

Ebb and Flow Counselling launched in Gawler in December 2023. I am Fleur Tucker, the counsellor at the practice. I support clients from the age of 12 to adulthood in areas such as anxiety, grief and loss, managing change, interpersonal relationships…

Psychology, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy for all ages

Headstart is a vibrant and energetic practice specialising in psychological, speech pathology and occupational therapy services for people of all ages. Headstart offers psychology,speech pathology and occupational therpay services to people of all…

Therapeutic Intervention for children aged 2 -12

A child’s natural mode of learning and expression is play. While adults may use counselling to help them through difficulties, children can struggle with such methods as their cognitive abilities and verbal skills are still developing. Play…

Your choice in positive health and well-being

I’m Merel Purmer and am the Director and owner of The Art of Expression. I work as a counsellor and art therapist. I am passionate about supporting people and creating opportunities to grow. Nothing is more fulfilling then seeing someone strive to…

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