What is Emmett Technique?
Emmett Technique is a unique, light touch, muscle release therapy developed by Ross Emmett, an Australian therapist with years of experience in remedial massage and Bowen Therapy, and is now recognised and practiced world wide.
Emmett Technique is a complete therapy, but has the ability to work to compliment other treatments. The technique can often allow other therapies to work more effectively.

How does Emmett Technique work?
The Emmett therapist accesses the subconscious muscle control centre of the brain by using light touch on sensory points relating to the target muscles or muscle groups, initiating a reset of the muscle memory allowing the muscles to relax. As well as the ability to influence muscle action, these points may also have a memory and emotional attachment.

What can Emmett Technique do?
The range of physical issues which can be
relieved is huge, including
• Neck and shoulder restriction and discomfort
• Lymphatic congestion
• Migraines and other headaches
• Abdominal cramps and bowel discomfort
• Bladder weakness
• Heel and foot pain
• Back and hip discomfort
• Knee and ankle restrictions
• Discomfort during pregnancy and post partum rebalance
• Fluid retention
• And much much more!

Reset Body Therapy is an accredited provider of EMMETT4Work services to the Northern Suburbs, Gawler and Barossa, and MidNorth region.

What is EMMETT4Work?
EMMETT4Work is a workplace muscle management and injury prevention program providing regular in house maintenance of staff physical comfort, posture and ease
of movement.

What can EMMETT4Work do for your workplace?
EMMETT4Work can assist businesses to produce healthier, work ready employees by reducing muscle pain and discomfort.

The focus is on prevention rather than post-injury treatment, and reduces the occurrence of muscle strains and injuries. This decreases the risk of accidents, improves productivity and work performance, and employee well-being.

How is the EMMETT4Work program delivered?
The program is tailored to the type and size of the business, making regular weekly or fortnightly visits at a time which best fits in with workplace activities.
Utilising a suitable room or area at the workplace the Emmett therapist conducts rapid turnaround individual assessments and treatments allowing each employee to return to work in as little as ten minutes.
Treatments are delivered with the employee standing or sitting and fully clothed.

Why should my business use EMMETT4Work?
• Produces a healthier workforce by reducing muscle restrictions and alleviating discomfort
• Focuses on prevention and muscle first aid, rather than post-injury rehabilitation
• Increases workplace satisfaction and employee well-being
• Improves employee fitness and reduces downtime due to injury or physical discomfort
• Assist companies with occupational health and safety obligations