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Covid Update – 10th August 2021

Covid Update – 10th August 2021

COVID Update

COVID UPDATE – Changes to Density Requirements

These changes come into effect from 12.01am Thursday 12th August.


Seated consumption of food and beverages

Density increase to 3 people per 4m2 = 75% capacity

Covers cinemas, café’s, restaurants, hotels

Standing at outdoor sporting events 1 person per 2m2

Gyms remain at 1 person per 4m2

Spectators at Indoor sporting activities 1 person per 4m2

Home gatherings remain at 10 per household

Weddings, birthdays and funerals outside of the home 50 people permitted

Wearing of masks REMAINS UNCHANGED

Must be worn in indoor public places (shopping centres, etc, health care, personal care and public transport settings.

Dancing and singing still banned.